The following are dissemination materials and activities:
The web site will be designed to present the project, promote the Master program and PD courses with enrollment information, and host the electronic versions of the user-friendly handbook “Best practices in educational leadership”, brochure and relevant materials on educational leadership. The handbook will be strategically distributed to principals and other educational leaders across Serbia, thus ensuring spreading of the knowledge on effective educational leadership. Master program and PD courses brochure will be designed to promote the program and present relevant enrollment information; it will be distributed at all dissemination events, and also sent to schools, local, regional and national authorities via post and email lists.
Dissemination conferences/student info days will be organized at PC and other institutions and advertised through the media. Master program, PD courses and the Educational Leadership Network (ELN) will be also promoted at a variety of other conferences/events held by local, regional and national authorities. Smaller-scale meetings with policy makers will be also held in order to present the work and recommendations of the ELN on effective educational leadership. The final project conference will invite 200 stakeholders to not only disseminate the program results, but also to spread acquired knowledge on effective educational leadership and promote cooperation with EU partners.